(14 customer reviews)

LAMP AQUACORRECTOR AC-TSC is an advanced device specially designed for photonic, resonance-wave, information-active, spin-field, drug-free, personalized initiation of aquacorrection of the functional state of the body. Initiation of aquacorrection and balance in the body and space against viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, helminths, and their toxins. Raising human energy, cleansing and restoring three energy channels.

SKU: PROD-0102-02
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  1. Initiation of aquacorrection of the functional state for health improvement and normalization of the body (ensured by systematic work with all organs in the body).
  2. Initiation of aquacorrection and balance in the body and space against viruses, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, helminths, and their toxins. Initiation of aquacorrection of the consequences of parasitic microflora in the bodies of humans, animals, plants. Initiation of aqua restoration of the body at the energetic, cellular, neuronal, genetic, organ, and functional levels. Rejuvenation of the body.
  3. Raising human energy, cleansing and restoring three energy channels (past, present, and future). Cleansing of chakras and restoring their rotation. Supplying energy to the human body and its extraction. Cleansing of the human’s subtle energy system and his karma, erasing the cause of disease, removing energy attachments, setting up energy protection.
  4. Energy-informational cleansing of space, premises, sleeping places, items, and any other objects. The energy of the lamp light penetrates through walls and objects over time.
  5. Working with household appliances (computer, tablet, mobile phone charger, TV, multicooker, bread maker, etc.) through a device of model 2 and above. All devices begin to emit light, heat, electromagnetic field with right-handed spin polarization, which supports biological life on Earth. The right-handed spin polarization of radiation from computer monitors, tablets, phones, and televisions eliminates the destructive impact of all types of radiation.
  6. Obtaining structured water and food. All products and water processed by such devices become environmentally clean, with natural energy, perfect in taste, easily digestible, have high efficiency, and at the same time, the amount of food consumed is reduced; food becomes medicine.
  7. Recording (transferring) the properties of the sample donor through a device (model 2R and above) onto water and aquatic environments. The device can accumulate up to several hundred integral images of the functional state of aqua systems, with the last one remaining dominant.
  8. The light from a spotlight ensures the activation of growth in plants and animals, increases their productivity, removes parasites, and eliminates diseases.

When initiating aquacorrection of the functional state of the body, the following processes are possible:

  •  restoration of the energy-information field (aura, biofield) of a person;
  •  cleaning karma, erasing the cause of the disease, eliminating energy attachments;
  •  initiation of aquacorrection of activity in the organs of inflammatory and chronic processes that are associated with the presence of parasitic microflora in the body: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths and their toxins;
  •  destruction in the organs of stones, sand, salt deposits, cholesterol, vasoconstriction;
  •  detoxification and removal of all “toxins” from the body;
  •  the passage in the body of the processes of recovery and regeneration at the cellular, gene, organ, neurophysiological, functional and mental levels;
  •  restoration of energy-informational connections within the body and energy-information exchange with the energy of Outer Space, the Earth and the Earth’s magnetic field (these energies provide biological life on Earth);
  •  with a healthy spirit and body, a person receives self-realization, initiation by the Holy Spirit, a second birth, which, ultimately, means “nourishment by the Holy Spirit” – the energy of God, your body connects to an infinite source of energy that ensures your health, well-being and joy of existence;
  •  suppression of parasitic microflora in the body, restoration of energy, aura and functional state of the body at the gene, cellular, organ, neuro-physiological levels, restoration, unloading of the immune system, suppression of inflammatory processes, anesthesia in case of injuries, wounds, bone fractures, wound healing, bone fusion, restoration of muscle trophism, vascular patency, elimination of dysbiosis, osteochondrosis, deposition of salts and stones in organs, blood thinning, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, improving the condition of the skin, eyes and vision, normalizing the metabolism of water-salt metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring the subtle energy system and energy-information exchange with space, restoring the biological integrity of the body and its control systems (brain structures), rejuvenating the body according to new DNA and improving the body.

Water, structured by the apparatus, is information-active (300 herbs, 200 medicines, 40 stones, trees, prayers, etc.), antioxidant, detoxifier, oncoprotector, radioprotector, initiates aquacorrection of vital activity of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, initiates an increase in proliferative activity and vital activity of cells, blood thinning, red blood cells are separated in it and all parasites are disconnected from them, restores the body’s energy,  initiates the activation of the protective functions of the body, synchronizes and restores the biorhythms of the body, relieves fatigue and stress, improves the taste of drinks and alcoholic beverages, the shelf life of food products. Structured water acquires a natural state and acts in the body as a relay of the energy of Space and the Earth, normalizing the subtle energy system and physiological state.

With the spin structuring of water, all the information-structured globules, consisting of many hundreds and thousands of single molecules, collapse in it, all molecules twist and acquire the right natural spin, all substances that have left back are destroyed: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, their toxins, radioactive particles, mechanical impurities and even soluble salts settle into the sediment. Only informationally pure structured water in the form of single molecules can instantly penetrate into the cell of the body through the membrane and ensure metabolism, water-salt metabolism, its division and energy production in it, eliminates dehydration of the body and its aging.

It is necessary to use only informationally pure water in an amount of at least one liter per day with the addition of NaCl salt to a glass in an amount of 0.9 g / l (physiological solution). One glass of structured water provides the body with a daily dose of antioxidant and blood thinning.

Water, structured by the TSC lamp apparatus, becomes “living” water, it is similar (fractal) to the energy of Outer Space (God) and through it, according to the resonance-wave principle, information and energy of God, the Sun, the Earth and the Earth’s magnetic field enter the body. Thus, the divine task of water on Earth is realized.

To improve the quality of products and their digestibility, we recommend that you treat (structure) with  the LAMP AC-TSC device meat and dairy products, yeast bread, water from the city water supply network, water from plastic bottles, vegetables and fruits grown with the use of chemical fertilizers and processed for long-term storage, coffee, cocoa, sweets, carbonated drinks, kvass, beer, alcoholic beverages.  vodka, cognac), it acquires the best taste, does not give deep intoxication, hangover syndrome, is quickly excreted from the blood, liver and body.

Design and principle of operation

LAMP AQUACORRECTOR TSC is an electronic antiphase photon device for initiating aquacorrection of the functional state. Spin-polarized radiation (provided by two halogen lamps / ceramic lamps of the IR range / combined version): photon radiation, thermal (infrared) radiation, energy-informational (deeply penetrating) radiation, where energy-information copies are broadcast herbs, medicines, stones, trees and prayers. Also, there is an additional functionof recording the information  signaland for broadcasting (programs in the format of AQUAINITIATOR) at the request of the customer.  The highest efficiency of the device is provided by almost 100% feedback in the current time mode, that is, every moment the functional state of the organism is taken into account, it is possible to correct deviations from the norm of its field on the basis of spin energy at the resonant frequencies of all organs to the DNA level and the initiation of aquacorrection of the energy-information field of parasitic microflora between two rotating spin-polarized quantum fluxes of photons in antiphase mode is ensured.  The causes that can cause various functional disorders, as it were, are “erased” from the energy-information field of the Earth and man and cease to exist, then the restoration of the energy-information field and aqua-regeneration of the organism at the gene, cellular, organ, functional levels is ensured in the body, the body is rejuvenated at the DNA level.

Spin-polarized radiation of the device is similar to sunlight, which ensures the formation of the so-called vitamin D in the body (this is spin-polarized energy in the body, ensuring its holistic functioning).

The device implements various modes of operation

  •  DC mode, denoted by ““, is recommended for initiation of aquacorrection of parasitic microflora, rapid wound healing, fusion of broken bones, anesthesia, regeneration of the body and restoration of its functional and energy states, elimination of DNA breakdowns, rejuvenation of the body according to new DNA;
  •  alternating current mode “~“, recommended for initiating aquacorrection of parasitic microflora, especially helminths, enhancing metabolism in the cell, cleaning blood, lymph, bone tissue, destroying the deposition of salts and stones, thrombosis of blood vessels, vasodilation, elimination of the reticulum of blood vessels, removal of toxins from the body;
  •  the mode of constant pulse current “∩”, gives the incandescence of half the power of the lamp, provides an increase in the efficiency of the mode “~”..

When working with the light of the lamp, it is advisable to wear clothes made of light fabric (cotton, linen) or it is better to work on an open area of the body, turning on the necessary mode of operation:

  •  the main mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes for the improvement and normalization of the functional state of the body (in the morning after sleep 30 min. and in the evening before bedtime 30 min., the course of 45 days). Additionally, receiving informationally purified water, listening to programs in the format of AQUAINIATOR;
  •  the mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to the destruction of stones and sand in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  •  mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to suppression of fungi on the toes and hands;
  •  mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to suppression of psoriasis;
  •  mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to suppression of glaucoma, cataracts, inflammation in the eyes, retinal detachment and adhesions. As you clear your brain, you’ll look at the bright light with your eyes open;
  •  mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  •  the mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes leading to the suppression of trichinosis (osteochondrosis, fatty tissues, nodules in the thyroid gland, compaction in the chest, in the muscles);
  •  mode of initiation of aquacorrection processes, leading to the suppression of other types of helminths.

Detailed instructions for working with each mode included.

Comparison of modifications

LAMP AC-TSC 2 and LAMP AC-TSC 1.3 have additional features and functions

  •  more effective electron spin normalizer and more efficient reading of information from a person;
  •  the ability to connect to the device LAMP AC-TSC 2 and LAMP AC-TSC 2.3 household appliances: computer, TV, charging mobile phone, lamps, kettles, slow cooker, etc., which eliminates the negative radiation of these devices and ensures the production of structured products, water: environmentally friendly products; increases by 1.5-2 times the service life of batteries;
  •  in the device LAMP AC-TSC 1.3 and LAMP AC-TSC 2.3 realized the vertical position of the lamp, which provides better chakra unwinding, raises kundalini, reveals Sahasrara.

In the device LAMP AC-TSC 2R the function of recording (transferring) properties is implemented.  Reagent-free transfer of beneficial properties from animal donor samples (medicinal herbs, beekeeping products, minerals and much more) to water and aquatic environments through field effects.

Models of the IR series  are equipped with ceramic lamps of the IR range.  At the request of the customer, itis possible to supply lamps with combined emitters.


  •  If the device fails, do not try to fix it yourself.
  •  With proper operation in accordance with the instructions, the manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device for 12 months from the date of sale.
  •  The warranty does not apply if the device has signs of external damage and openings!
  •  The service life of the device is 5 years or more.

Hand assembled with care for you.

Contact our authorized representative to discuss cooperation, purchasing and buying of our products.

Product Declaration

The use of aquacorrection of the AQUACORRECTOR series has nothing to do with medicine. This product cannot be used as a direct substitute for any medication and is not used to diagnose, relieve, treat or prevent any disease. Its use does not mean the rejection of medical methods of treatment. If you suspect the occurrence of any diseases, contact your doctor first.

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the configuration and characteristics of the goods without notice. At the same time, the functional and qualitative indicators of the goods remain the same or only improve.

For the best impact, it is recommended to use the device in combination with the following products:

  •  ISI is an intelligent system for initiating specified properties in aquasystems. It is an integral part of the technologies of system correction. The effect of the device is achieved by translating combinations of acoustic and electromagnetic signals obtained using a research hardware and software complex based on devices of the series “TITANIA” (water must be purified and ininfo-free) and aquatic environments. Allows you to transfer / “record” programs in aquainitiator format in the acoustic, infrared, optical and other ranges of electro-magnetic waves, which makes it possible to effectively transfer the beneficial properties of donor samples (medicinal herbs, products) beekeeping, minerals and much more) on the substance.
  •  AQUAINITIATOR of individual (targeted) influence – triggers the regeneration of the body to its natural state.  The process of restoring the original integrity of the damaged structure (the original “drawing”) is underway. The program in the format of AQUAINIATOR builds in the life field of human events situations that are necessary and favorable to him.
  •  Aquaconditioners series “TITANIA”. Devices with multi-stage systemtheme of water conditioning. TITANIA conditions water using electrochemistry and biophotonics methods at the molecular level, being purified from almost any substances and influences harmful to the human body, acquiring as a result of processing special combinations of electric currents and modulated physical fields, the most complete range of useful properties. Healing largely depends on how clean and healthy water a person drinks, since he himself consists of water.

What are AQUACORRECTOR series devices?

AQUACORRECTOR is a unique device. It is a former of the flow of dexterous fields (the right-turning field relative to the movement of the energy flow), as well as a converter of the flow of left-spiral fields into right-spiral ones in the entire natural spectrum of frequencies and the human biofield in the frequency range from zero to infinity. In the scope of its action, aquacorrector removes negative energy (left-spiral field) created by geopathic zones, electronic devices:

computers, televisions, mobile phones, copiers, powerful mobile transmission stations and so on; as well as the negative energy of human psychophysical activity. AQUACORRECTOR is a neutralizer of negative energies and an activator of the action of the positive energy of space. The aquacorrector provides on its way a homogeneous fractal-spin orientation of the flow of energy in space and molecules in matter. The right-wing orientation of quasiparticles is natural and primordial and ensures the progressive development of life and natural processes on Earth. It is believed that at each point in space, as in a hologram, correct information is recorded about the development of the Universe from the beginning to its end, including about every person living on Earth. AQUACORRECTOR provides long-term retention of the coherent spin state of material bodies and space.

Structured water

Structured water has unique properties:

  •  in the volume of water, the information acquired by water during its existence and processing is completely erased. Information from programs in the AQUAINITIATOR format is easily transferred (recorded) to the water.
  •  it has a right-handed (right) spin polarization of molecules, fractal (similar) energy of Outer Space. Through such water, the body receives energy and restores the energy exchange of the body and outer space, the energy of which restores the body at the energy, cellular and organ levels;
  •  water has an extremely finely dispersed structure;
  •  suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microflora;
  •  provides detoxification of the body;
  •  restores cellular metabolism, input-salt exchange and energy-information exchange with Outer Space; provides regeneration of humans and animals at the energy-informational, cellular and organ levels.

Structured water is recommended to water animals and water plants.

1. Due to different monitor and lighting effects, the actual color of the item may be slightly different from the color shown in the pictures.
2. Please allow slight size difference due to different manual measurement.

Weight 2.5 kg
type of emitter


write/transfer function


reinforced spin normalizer


possibility to connect household appliances


intensity adjustment


number of emitters



  1. Nikolay

    A great device. I had frequent back pains. After using the device, the pain went away and hasn’t returned. I constantly use the device, both for apartment prevention and for my own health improvement.

  2. Massaget

    Good day! My name is Marat. I purchased the LAMP AQUACORRECTOR AC-TSC 4 device and have been using it for about half a month. I’m a very busy person, so whenever possible, every morning or at night after coming back from work, I give myself treatments in the form of light warming of the back area from a distance of half a meter from the device using two modes “constant and alternating” in turn for 10 mins each. Then I move on to the solar plexus area. I switch the button to low power and warm up from a distance of 30 cm. Liver. I warm up the chest area at low power from a distance of 30 cm using two modes! And during the chest-level procedure, there is some unexplainable fullness reminding me of the state during static qigong sessions (I practiced meditation and strict fasting for 12 years using only plant-based food, hence such comparisons). Somehow, it seems to me that something similar manifests itself in the sternum area in the form of a release into the body of a good portion of stem cells and leukocytes. The device, unlike its predecessor, is indeed much more powerful and it’s noticeable since I had been using device №3 before.
    Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to return to my circles! My memory begins to respond to sensations and the previously dust-covered mechanism of oblivion slowly starts to awaken and use the previously acquired skills from the field of practical deep meditation.

  3. Olga

    Good afternoon, Sviatoslav!
    I actively use devices Aquacorrector for mobile devices, Aquacorrector for household appliances (monitor, TV, microwave, photocopier, etc.), Aquacorrector for the body, Aquacorrector PEN “Magic wand” – spin polarizer, Device for electrochemical water treatment TITANIA, lamp Aquacorrector 3 since the beginning of December 2015.
    I want to share my observations:
    • My blood pressure normalized, I stopped taking blood pressure medications, although for the last couple of years I had to take pills periodically! Headache was ruining my life. It’s such a joy!!!
    • Became more active, sleep has improved. I wake up early but feel better, less tired, get more things done.
    • It became easier to sit at the computer, my eyes don’t get tired, there’s no such overall fatigue. Previously, I had to wash my face with cold water to make it easier for my eyes. This is important to me.
    • Became less interested in politics, apparently overloaded myself too much!
    • Another very important thing was resolved! I have two pets: a cat and a kitten. So now the pungent cat smell in the toilet has disappeared, especially when there was no one at home for a long time, their pots were not emptied, this smell was very disappointing! I give them structured water, transformed by the water purification device, and turn on the LAMP Aquacorrector 3 lamp at half power in the room at night.
    Another Very Important thing happened to me, Fear of the Future Disappeared!!! I have many years of experience in medicine, a nurse, I know what our medicine is, its quality of treatment. Some health problems appeared, I won’t describe them, fear appeared… I deeply Believe that now I will cope with everything! You Gave me this! I am infinitely grateful to You and All who are involved in these Unique technologies!!!

  4. Vladimir

    Good day! Decided to buy the LAMP Aquacorrector 2 device because of a skin problem. There were frequent red rashes and pimples, especially in the area of the back, buttocks. Understood that the problem was internal. I don’t go to doctors, and I don’t like to go. Don’t really want to take “chemistry” (“treat one thing, cripple another”). I use the device constantly, changing modes daily. I place the lamp at a distance of about one meter from myself. And just turn it on to treat the room. After a month of use, the rash almost went away, and now I’ve forgotten about them. Moreover, I started to sleep very well, and after a working day, I feel great – as if I hadn’t worked at all. Told about my problem when ordering, and as a gift with the device, they made me an AQUAINITIATOR. I used it as recommended, in the morning and in the evening, also in conjunction with the LAMP Aquacorrector device. And together, the LAMP Aquacorrector and AQUAINITIATOR helped me a lot. Thank you.

  5. Alexander

    Dear Sviatoslav! I want to share my achievements. In April 2016, I deeply cut the lower phalanx on the palm side of my left hand with a crowbar. I worked with the lamp and everything healed, not even a trace was left. I didn’t use any ointments or compresses, everything healed, no trace was left. Then I decided to work with the appendicitis scar, which was removed 10 years ago. In combination with the AQUAINITIATOR. I am very satisfied with the result, and it is visible in the photo. I structure living water (I have a device for living and dead water) within a minute and then drink it with salt. I do the same with boiled water. In both cases, salts settle on the walls of the transparent cup. I don’t know if it’s good or bad in the first case? I wish the teeth would regenerate, but that’s probably from the realm of fantasy. Thank you for the devices. Sincerely, Alexander.


    I purchased LAMP Aquacorrector on the website and after some time, Sviatoslav Tarasenko recorded an individual tuning fork AQUAINITIATOR for me which I have been listening to for about 3 months. Yesterday I went to the hairdresser and she unexpectedly noticed- Your hair has darkened and the gray is disappearing. That is, people from the outside have started to notice changes happening to me. And also, hypothyroidism disappeared and mastopathy went away. I am not a sickly person, but such things are happening to me. I also want to say that the feeling of fear disappeared and sleep became excellent, I sleep 3 hours or 8, but I get equally well-rested, that is, the nervous system is resting 100% Gradually, spots on my hands and the so-called old age freckles began to disappear, the skin whitened and became as tight as in youth. The contour of the face tightened and small wrinkles began to disappear, the eyes started to shine. A certain lightness appeared in the whole body, as it was in youth. I stopped feeling my heart. Blood tests were surprising. Hemoglobin 123, blood not aggregated (not clumped) with a large number of leukocytes. That is, good immunity. But the first effect was with the grandchildren, they just drank structured MFC water. There was a massive exit of worms, and it lasted for about 5 days. Then everything disappeared somewhere, complaints disappeared. We structure water we drink with pleasure as a whole family and quite a lot, we all are water drinkers. My MFC is used by my daughter, who was constantly tormented by HERPES, and now it gradually faded away, the rash became paler and paler and after 2 months (long) just disappeared. This is a cunning virus and it does not give up easily. And my MFC is used by my mother, who is 85, my mother is very active, but she was troubled by pressure, so listening to the MFC contributed to lowering the pressure. Moreover, very quickly the swelling in the left ear that tormented her disappeared and sleep normalized. She says she hasn’t slept so well in 10 years. Vision improved slightly, she started to see better. This is from her words. What will happen next – I will add reviews, all of us continue to listen, probably already out of habit, by such a useful habit for all of us. If it hadn’t happened to me, I would have considered it from the realm of fantasy. A low bow to Sviatoslav Tarasenko who made a MIRACLE of healing for us. I tell my mom about scientists who create such technologies thanks to new discoveries in physics, and she is surprised and asks- Do other people know about this, that you can heal so pleasantly? I answer that there are more and more of such people every year and soon medicine will not be able to do without wave genetics.

  7. Kurbatova Tatyana Vasilyevna

    Dear Sviatoslav Konstantinovich! The device (LAMP AQUACORRECTOR) was very useful to me. For 2 years now, I haven’t been sick with cold-related illnesses. I used to get sick often. And most importantly, a stone in my right kidney broke down, which constantly caused back pain. Ultrasound showed that there is no stone. It happened very painfully, but I endured and continued the sessions. In the end, it got easier. Treatment does not happen quickly, but after each session, the condition changes. The only thing I can’t fix is the high blood pressure and I didn’t cure the ear. But, apparently, I can’t find the cause correctly. I want to continue the treatment, so I’m sending you the device for repair. I really miss the instructions. I hope you can help me. Respectfully, Kurbatova Tatyana Vasilyevna. Dubna

  8. Artem

    I would like to leave a review, we have a small dog, a dwarf chihuahua aged 11 years, and a misfortune happened, she jumped off the bed and broke her leg, we went to the vet clinic, the doctor put a plate and said she will walk with it for the rest of her life, my wife and I every day placed the lamp opposite the bed and if the lamp works the dog does not leave the bed she likes it very much within two months she lay under the lamp in the healing mode and these days the dog began to limp, we went to the vet clinic did an X-ray and the doctor said it needs to be removed)) and in general the doctor told us that such dogs at this age heal badly, anesthesia is poorly tolerated and so on, so we will go to remove the plate and again put her under the lamp, we also use it, headache passes wonderfully))

  9. Grateful Buyer

    My life is a drama. But the worst part of this drama began 15 years ago, as I got married. Failures, illnesses, depression, feelings of helplessness to change anything, fears (fears intensified over the years), insecurity, feeling of losing myself, horrors, nightmares in sleep, job loss and even the loss of opportunities to get a job, troubles, and illnesses in children, accidents with my son. In short, it’s impossible to list everything.
    And about 5 years ago, I ended up in a clinic for neuroses with psychosomatics, namely, with severe pains in the trigeminal nerve, with a feeling of oppression and with deep depression. I didn’t want to live. How to live further, I didn’t know… The feeling that I was in prison haunted me all my life. Probably, I lost the sense of freedom early, I can’t even remember it. Hemoglobin was always low and I always had dizziness, even sometimes lost consciousness. Always, but for the last 15 years, I wanted to run away from everyone, far away, so that no one could find me.5 years ago I ended up in the clinic and they prescribed me antidepressants, it somehow helped. Seriously, for 5 years I studied psychology to understand what’s wrong with me. And not seriously studied for 14-15 years. I understood everything, but couldn’t do anything about it. I remember the inner tension from childhood and the feeling of inner freedom, relaxation was unfamiliar to me, I tensed up to at least somehow feel relaxation or freedom, but it didn’t give results, it was only worse.
    Fears intensified over the years so that I began to feel horror or animal fear (I don’t even know how to call it). Psychologists were making money on me, but they didn’t help me. And then, once again after talking with a psychologist, who convinced me that I need to undergo gestalt therapy, and I started gestalt, but it got worse, and psychosomatics intensified. I simultaneously underwent all examinations (gastroscopy, ultrasound, tests), but nothing was found, except for some micro-changes and low hemoglobin. And everything hurt. Realizing that the psychologist dragged me to the bottom, into the past and that I again had psychosomatics, I prescribed antidepressants for myself because he refused to prescribe them, and I am studying at a medical school and as it turned out, I did it in time because panic attacks and fear attacks were already starting. In other words, softly speaking, I almost ended up in a clinic for neuroses again. For 4 years after the clinic for neuroses, I studied the topic of “wave genetics”, but I was afraid. Nothing helped me except for antidepressants. But to drink pills all my life is not an option for me.
    Probably, this was my last hope and in August 2019, I ordered an Aquainitiator (tuning fork) indiv. influence and lamp Aquacorrector 2. They recorded from my cousin. My daughter will write a review separately, so I won’t write about her results. We started and continue the application together. The 1st course was completed, now we are undergoing the 2nd course of application. Discomfort lasted about 3 weeks, all the time I wanted to sleep. All my sick organs and systems reacted. It was hard. I envy those for whom the application of AQUAINITIATORS was pleasant))). Unfortunately, it was different for me. By the end of the 1st course, there was a momentary feeling that I was losing touch with reality and it lasted about a week. When the discomfort and unpleasant sensations, heaviness in the body, aching in the body, pains passed, completely different sensations began to come: freshness in the psyche, which I don’t even remember in childhood, energy in abundance so that I didn’t even know where to put it all, how to manage all this. It was like being poor all your life and winning millions of dollars and not knowing what to do with it. Of course, I spent it unwisely, but gradually I began to learn to manage. The beginning of the 2nd course was also uncomfortable, but easier and it passes. As Sviatoslav explained to me, my shaken nervous system and weak body responded to the healthy body of my brother, from whose photo the recording was made. I began to feel freedom and began to respond to people oppressing me in a way I would never have responded, and if I had responded, I would have felt guilty for a long time. Parasites came out not only internal but also external)))psychic parasites, vampires received a rebuff and as much as they wanted to suck my energy, they had to leave))).I realized a lot, including the reasons for my sufferings, depressions, fears, horrors, and nightmares- it’s my environment, parasites both external and, I think, internal too. Nightmares are gone, there are no more fears of any kind, even the fear that there may be no money or I won’t pass exams, etc., unfounded, empty, silly fears left me.
    Interestingly, there is no internal tension, with which I used to live all my life, it seems to me, all my 44 years of life. A feeling of calmness, harmony, and integrity of personality, acceptance of myself and freedom from the chatter of psychologists and psychotherapists. There is no longer a need and necessity to turn to them, and there are no questions for them at all. And why, if you are confident in yourself, and feel free to do everything you want.
    Also noticed that dizziness is gone, but I have not yet re-done blood tests. Hemoglobin was last 93, barely raised it from 80. Eyes shine, also haven’t seen it for a long time. There is no rejection of myself, searches for flaws in myself. Teeth stopped hurting. I sleep deeply, fall asleep immediately, but I still love to sleep))) I can’t get enough sleep)). I used to always fall asleep with difficulty, thoughts were spinning in my head continuously, everything was oppressing, gnawing inside, soul pains and memories of the past, etc. and so on. Everything is gone! )) Disappeared, evaporated, dissolved and I already feel and see that forever! I feel almost always joy, good mood.
    I got off antidepressants in the process of the 1st course due to an excess of serotonin. Why did this happen? I think because there was enough of my own, that the need for antidepressants disappeared, it only led to an excess. And before that was not.
    I was preparing for the start of the AQUAINITIATORS application seriously, I did not treat it as a freebie, I forgave the past and the people from the past, I let everyone go, I was able to do it, thanks to Sviatoslav, who led me and my daughter like blind kittens. Somewhere stuck, hit my nose and couldn’t go further, and Sviatoslav showed the way and how to bypass obstacles and we went further. There were many tears and with many of my tormentors I had to say goodbye, because this time I chose myself and my life. Hellish soul pains from childhood Left me alone and the past no longer causes me pain. I remember my childhood and my past, but I don’t need it anymore, I don’t even remember and I am calm.
    Later I will add another review, as I go through the 2nd course and pass tests. If I missed something, I will definitely write in the next letter. I am very grateful to Sviatoslav, without his help and guidance, I think, I could not. Immense gratitude for his patience and work))))) Great human gratitude!))) Remains to thank in person))) Thank you. (Kuban)
    P.S.: Almost forgot about the cats. As we received the lamp Aquacorrector 2 and started the application, a kitten came to us, we took him to us, he was sick, refused to eat, could not stand on his legs and he had rapid heart rate and breathing, after a couple of sessions with the lamp Aquacorrector 2 he began to eat, play, the rhythm of the heart calmed down and breathing became even. For 45 days of the course, he became 2 times larger than his size, very active, energy is gushing, bites everyone, makes noise, etc. And my 2 adult cats also didn’t feel very well, they began to feel good, and interestingly they became huge cats, i.e. grew a lot, although they were treated for only a week. All cats had worms of different breeds, lengths from all holes)) It was terrible to see. The kitten had a significantly enlarged kidney, about 3 times, now the size of the kidney has significantly decreased. Perhaps these were parasites)) that lived in his kidney. One cat had eye inflammation, and nothing helped, but now the inflammation has almost passed. But they are my street cats and were treated for only 1 week, because there is simply not enough time for everyone. Geranium, which was sick all year and all summer, bloomed. I will try to find photos and send them. That’s all for now)). Now I am directing lamp Aquacorrector 2 at the scar. We will share the results.

  10. Rakuto Vladimir Ivanovich

    I, Rakuto Vladimir, am 65 years old. In 2018, my father first died at 89 years old (he couldn’t walk for the last year, was always bedridden, experienced immense suffering, torment), then after a month and a half, my mother died at 88 years old (from a stroke). I retired when they were still alive and took care of my parents, many can’t imagine what it is – in one word “horror”. I want to tell about my use of the healing device lamp Aquacorrector 2.2, invented by Surzhin V.N., which I purchased in the spring of 2019. A bit about why I acquired this device. Many know or have heard about the respected Professor Neumyvakin I.P., who is the author of many books on health and also dealt with space medicine. In his book “LONGEVITY is man immortal, myths, and reality” on page 33, I read about the developments of scientist Surzhin Vladimir Nikolaevich, read on the internet, watched video clips with his participation. I have a hobby “heal yourself”. Having familiarized myself with the parameters of this device and the principles of its action, I initially didn’t believe that such a device exists at all, in one word – fantastic. Why doesn’t medicine know about it and use it? I was sorry to spend money on acquiring the device, but health is above all, I want to live longer, not to die like my parents in agony. This book about LONGEVITY decided everything. Neumyvakin is an authority for me. Having received this device, I began to irradiate myself with the healing light of two lamps of this device. What I managed to cure:
    • Unfortunately, when I served in the army, at 19, I acquired the disease “foot fungus”, by stupidly putting on someone else’s boots. The most important thing in the army is feet. I did everything, rubbed various ointments, but after a certain time, the fungus appeared again. At 63, I irradiated the soles of my feet and nails for a week, the fungus disappeared, and the damaged nails on two toes began to grow back healthy.
    • Approximately at 33, I developed “gastritis”, the doctor said that in Russia, 95% of the population suffers from gastritis and ulcers. He prescribed medications, having drunk which I realized that one could die from them and stopped taking them. Before lunch, I was a person, but having gone to the dining room, I experienced terrible pains in the left subcostal area, which interfered with work. For 30 years I suffered from gastritis. With varying success, I fought this disease, drank yarrow, ate oatmeal, all to no avail. Applying the Lamp Aquacorrector device, I irradiated the stomach area, intestines. Within 3 days, gastritis was over, it surprised me, pleased me, and I was happy.
    • In April 2020, I got terribly cold, coughed, the temperature was about 39 degrees, realized that I got seriously caught, possibly it was coronavirus or flu, but I don’t know for sure, I didn’t call a doctor. I applied this device, irradiated my throat, the area of the nose and nasopharynx, lungs, heart, head. After three days, I was healthy. After going outside, I warm up my body as a must. This autumn and winter of 2020-2021, I did not get sick with viral diseases.
    • When I was 13 years old, I got a head injury, a neighboring boy threw a stone at me in the area of the forehead on the right side. The blow was so strong, I thought I would die. In old age, I started to have periodic pains on the right side in the area of the brain and the right eye. Thinking, I began to periodically irradiate the head and after 2 months everything passed, which surprised and pleased me very much.
    • I warmed up – cleaned the liver in 2019, approximately after 1 month I felt a big pain in the liver area, stopped irradiating, but the pain did not subside, I had nothing to lose, and I continued warming up with the device. Then decided to go and surrender to doctors, but the pain unexpectedly passed. I think a stone came out.
    • I warmed up the kidneys and spine, there were no pains, the spine became more mobile, but it still needs to be worked on.
    • During warming up with the device, the body is cleaned of toxins, previously the tongue was covered with abundant mucus, but now it’s clean as a baby’s.
    • Now I’m trying to cure two knees, it got better, but not completely. Laziness mother, born before us, I warm up my knees, but not every day.
    • Usually in the morning, I treat a cup of warm, boiled water with the rays of this device and drink it to clean the body of toxins and start the stomach. In addition, I periodically turn on the audio program AQUAINITIATOR (multifractal tuning fork), which you sent me, a good program. I test, use this device since April 2019, and do not regret that I bought it. Many want to lose weight, including me, but how to do it? Until you have cleaned your body from negative for human microflora, parasites, fungi, viruses, helminths, weight loss for a person can be dangerous. I want to live up to 120 years healthy, without Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia. In one video clip of Surzhin V.N., it is recorded that it is better to apply this device to a person who believes in God, then the effect will be better. Be healthy, everything is God’s will.
    Respectfully, pensioner Rakuto Vladimir Ivanovich.

  11. Olga

    Hello, I’ve been using the Lamp Aquacorrector device for 2 weeks, the term is of course short, and the problems are not small, hypertension, atherosclerosis, in March of this year there was surgery on the carotid artery to remove plaques. It’s too early to talk about changes with this problem. But there are good results with nail fungus. Early cataract, vision improved, but after loads, it worsens again, another session – improvement. I treated my dog, a dwarf spitz, after a tick bite, the consequences were shaky gait, he has been walking like this for 5 years, after a couple of light warming of the spine and head, significant results, he began to walk confidently and quickly, it has not been like this for a long time. Very pleasing. The most stable result is the quality of the TV picture after connecting it to the device. The picture with such beautiful colors and 3D sensation. I listen to the recording on my childhood photo every day sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes, sleep has become very calm and strong. Over time, I hope to solve the main problem of hypertension and share this. Sincerely, Olga.

  12. Igor

    Good day! Bought a lamp aquacorrector lamp, have been using it for several months, do everything according to the instructions, then 15 minutes on the stomach, 10 minutes on the head area, it gives me a charge of energy, vitality, and a positive mood, I see some similarity to energy channels (I have experience working with energy channels). It’s good to recover with a lamp after relocations, I work in another city, and I have to travel often, after the trip there’s always fatigue, breakdown, I turn on the lamp and recovery happens much faster and easier.

  13. Oleg

    My name is Oleg. I want to share the experience of restoring digestion with the help of LAMP AQUACORRECTOR. I accidentally learned about the LAMP AQUACORRECTOR from an acquaintance and decided to try, not hoping for any specific results. I used the device together with listening to my individual aquainitiator, which was given to me as a gift when purchasing the lamp. After some time (about three to four weeks) of use, I noticed that my digestion began to work much better. Problems that have plagued me for a long time (gas formation, periodic diarrhea, stomach pain upon pressure) began to go away. Food became easier to digest, I feel more energetic and full of energy. This device not only helped me with digestion, it changed my overall well-being. After two months of regular use, the headaches that often tormented me stopped, my mood improved, I became less irritable, which pleases my family members))). Now I feel better than I have for many years. Thank you Sviatoslav for such a significant improvement in the quality of my life! It’s incredible!

  14. Anatoly Lvovich

    Fungus on the toe became a real problem for me – inconvenience, itching, discomfort. I tried different means, but the result was temporary and not as I expected. Using LAMP Aquacorrector brought incredible results. With each application, the itching became weaker, and the fungus began to disappear. Soon I forgot about the problem that had plagued me for so long. The miracle lamp returned confidence and comfort in my everyday life. A big thank you to LAMP Aquacorrector and its manufacturer for such an effective solution to the problem!

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